About Us
Princeton a small, but growing congregation in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). We are a theologically conservative, Christ-centered, and Bible-focused church.
Our congregation is a loving group of believers from many different backgrounds who are being transformed by the Gospel, for the glory of God. We are a true spiritual family in Christ. Our little community of faith is marked by a delight in reverent, joyfull worship of our Triune God, and in warm fellowship and hospitality toward one another. In addition to worshipping together, there are lots of ways that we are part of each other’s lives. We enjoy a weekly prayer meeting, fellowship meals twice a month, and monthly ladies’ and mens’ book studies.
In our preaching and teaching, we emphasize the central message of the Bible, the Gospel, which is a message of good news in Jesus Christ! The good news of Christ's message is that sinners, by faith in Jesus alone, may be pardoned from their sins and imputed with the very righteousness of Christ. No sinner is so bad that he cannot be saved. We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. We celebrate the rich history of the Reformation, at which time, the biblical truths that we hold dear were rediscovered. For that reason, we call ourselves a ‘Reformed’ church.
Our officers fully subscribe to Westminster Standards, which we hold to be an excellent summary of what the bible teaches. They are the Westminster Confession of Faith, along with the Larger Catechism, and Shorter Catechism.
Our officers are godly men, who have been called by our congregation, and trained for service in our church as pastors, elders, and deacons. You can read about these men here.
When you visit with us, you will be joining us in the most important of all human activities: the worship of the living God. What a great privilege and joy it is to worship the true and living God! Drawing upon the rich traditions of the historic Christian Church, worship at Princeton Presbyterian is marked by reverence and joy, majesty and intimacy, in the presence of our holy, glorious, gracious God!
It is our sincere hope and prayer that you will find your worship experience to be encouraging, challenging, and invigorating, renewing you in the knowledge of God and the wonderful hope that we have through the Gospel of Christ. Most of all, we hope that God will be glorified by the worship we render to him. You can learn more about our worship here.